Our services:

Undercoating protects against road salt and rust

Caledonia Farm is fully equipped to undercoat your car or pickup truck to protect against damaging road salt corrosion. Call David at 978-852-1696 for information and appointments.

Tune Ups for Mowers and small engines - 978-852-1696

Caledonia Farm offers free local pickup and delivery of lawn mowers and other yard machines that need a quality once-over for spring. We offer

Stale gasoline, old spark plugs, dull blades and dead batteries are just four things that can wreck a beautiful spring day
when it's time to mow the lawn.  Step past the aggravation with a Spring Tune-up for your yard machines
from Caledonia Farm. Tune-ups and repairs a specialty. Free pickup and delivery in Barre, Petersham and Hardwick.

Put your snow blowers back in the garage knowing they will be ready to start and run when you need them again.
David Petrovick knows large and small farm and yard equipment -- how to make your machines run when you  need them.

Call David today to schedule your yard machines for a tune-up and be prepared when the grass needs mowing.

Welding for farm equipment and yard machines

Portable rechargeable battery repair and rebuilding (specializing in DeWalt).

Portable tool battery packs eventually loose their ability to hold a charge and can be expensive to replace! We’ve had to rebuild many of our own and can rebuild yours- we’ve gotten quite adept at it! We replace all cells with quality 2200 mAh NiMH sub-c cells.
9.6v.; $55 - 12.0 v.; $65 - 14.4 v.; $75  - 18.0 v.; $85
Add $6.95/ pack for shipping or free pick-up and delivery at any of our summer markets!

Expert equipment maintenance

Equipment maintenance and repair, including light-duty trucks,
farm and construction equipment.
Metal fabrication and design, steel sales, welding. Call for availability and rates.


Metal Fabrication/Repair

Work on an active farm puts great demands on tools and equipment.



If we had to pay for repairs and fabrication on our farm, we’d be either broke or hobbled by the lack of affordable repair services! We have an outfitted shop to tackle most small jobs.



beef  chicken  eggs - contact us 

 where/how to buy - about Caledonia - farm machine services - links - frequent questions
